Food Systems and Food Writing Summer Semester | May 5, 2025 - June 15, 2025


当我们滋养我们的思想和身体时,在这个五月学期开始一场改变生活的冒险. We’ll immerse ourselves in a transformative conversation spanning continents, cultures, and disciplines, connecting with writers, workers, growers, and makers who invite you into their passion for food and sustainability. 这个学习之旅不仅可以帮助你了解人们和ag娱乐官网不同的节奏和消费模式, but also invite you into experiencing them first-hand.

Our program begins in Santa Barbara, 首先突出我们在当地环境和食品系统中的工业食客身份. Our visits in Santa Barbara County will include the farmworker resource center, regenerative agriculture sites, and community gardens and kitchens. With paired readings and writing exercises to guide our local journey, 你将提炼你对叙事的理解,并与食物写作的丰富传统交谈.

We’ll then travel to Reykjavik, Iceland, 一个多世纪以来,他们一直在收获可再生能源,几乎没有外来农业劳动力. We’ll explore geothermal farms and bakeries and hike the Golden Circle.

Finally, we’ll make our way to Orvieto, Italy, and learn about Italy and their rich history and perspective on food systems, genetically modified foods, and industrialized agriculture and consumption. We’ll enjoy hands-on experiences through market tours, farm visits, and cooking classes, and then spend time crafting engaging narratives about all we’ve tried, tasted, seen, and learned.

  • Class standing GPA (minimum 2.3 gpa for eligibility) 
  • Application and essays 
  • Personal and faculty recommendations 
  • Interview with program directors 

In addition to the general qualifications above, the following are requirements that must be met, with or without reasonable accommodation, in order to complete all essential elements of the program. All participants must be able to: 

  • 定期参加基于当地饮食的公共餐,对食物的选择控制有限. 在一些地方,准备参与准备和清理这些餐后. 
  • Tolerate local diet with limited control over food choices in some locations. 
  • Anticipate possible exposure to peanut or other food allergens. 
  • 穿越多个不规则的表面,每天步行5英里,和团队一起徒步5英里. 
  • 在没有帮助的情况下携带个人物品,包括手提箱和/或背包. 
  • 尽管获得心理服务的机会有限,但预期有足够的情绪健康,以安全成功地充分参与该计划. 
  • Anticipate at least double occupancy accommodations on some if not all locations.

Food Systems in Global Perspective (AN 140/KNS 150) Eating is a moral act. Yet, we rarely consider food’s path from the field to our fork. 本课程将考察世界各地的食品生产和消费体系, as well as issues of nutrition and hunger, ethics of consumption, and environmental justice. 将特别关注通过调查肥胖率来了解粮食生产和分配如何影响当地和全球的贫困ag娱乐官网, community food security, and the role of human dignity and labor justice within the food system. 我们的学习将通过追踪番茄从微观到宏观的发展轨迹——从田间生长到零售准备,以及它对我们身体和世界的影响——来进行.

学生将通过与圣玛丽亚当地食品相关组织的ag娱乐官网学习经验,亲身体验他们作为食品运动消费者的角色, Santa Barbara, and Ojai, as well as innovations and sustainable agriculture in Iceland and Italy.

我们将特别关注学习和庆祝上帝最伟大的创造——人体.  Consequently, 本课程选择的文本试图突出与粮食系统和全球健康有关的问题. At the same time, we will consider the issues within the context of Christian telos and praxis, gaining knowledge and then moving to responsive action--praxis.  认知和经验/ag娱乐官网学习技术将在整个课程中使用.

我们的旅程将探索食物的神学、社会学、经济和政治含义. 它将包括对农业和生产设施的实地考察,以及参与公共和全球卫生的客座讲师. This course satisfies elective credit for KNS and AN, the Thinking Globally (TG), and the Serving Society general education requirement.

Writers In Conversation: Food Writing and Sustainability ((ENG 60) In “The Greatest Nature Essay Ever,” Brian Doyle writes that “stories do have roaring power, stories are the most crucial and necessary food, how come we never hardly say that out loud?” This Mayterm, 当我们用文字食物和叙事食物滋养自己时,我们会一遍又一遍地大声说出来. This course – and really this program – is a conversation. One that takes place across disciplines, across continents, across cultures. You get to be part of this conversation with the writers, workers, growers, and makers who are also part of it. Our hope is that you’ll take great joy in both food and stories, 你会在书本上和盘子上发现对食物世界的理解,从而获得这种乐趣.

Fitness in The Fields (PEA-034 Outdoor Education) 本课程为学生提供基本的户外活动,如远足当地的小径和海滩, exploring new/unfamiliar terrain, and gaining a deeper understanding about our relationship to the environment. Additionally, students will gain information about sustainability,  carbon footprints, growing food, and land stewardship.

Course Highlights

野外作业和改编自然日志:我们将花一些在校早期的时间学习自然日志的艺术, 但是当我们把这个概念与食物写作/阅读/观察结合起来时,我们会把自己的观点融入其中. 这本日记将记录你的经历、见解、反思、祈祷、草稿和涂鸦. 它也将成为你写作的宝贵资源,并为你的旅程提供记录.

Guest Speakers: Meet and hear from farmers, vintners, field workers, chefs, bakers, chocolatiers, and more. 从他们的经验中学习,获得对粮食系统世界的宝贵见解, food writing, and, of course, eating.

ag娱乐官网写作与阅读:我们在旅途中各自成长,也将共同成长. Your insights will inspire others and vice versa. Life, as we will see in myriad layers, is collaborative by nature. Therefore, you will collaborate on several of your projects this term. You’ll read aloud with others (or to animals).

同行反馈和编辑:参加同行评审会议,以获得对你的工作的建设性反馈,并通过合作提高你的写作. 从你的旅行伙伴那里了解不同的写作风格和观点.

Sensory Engagement: This course will require you to engage all of your senses. 来吧,准备好吸收故事的美味食物,滋养自己的身体和智力.


Approx. $6750 (includes tuition, room, board, and in-country travel). 学生负责国际机票和到洛杉矶国际机场的额外交通费.

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